how to Know maintain food hygiene at home



How to maintain food hygiene at home

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Food hygiene or cleanliness of food is a very important issue. Nowadays, we often hear that consumer rights or food department raids various restaurants or commercial kitchens to ensure food hygiene.

Food hygiene is not only limited to restaurants and commercial kitchens but it is equally important to ensure this in your home as well. Maintaining proper food hygiene at home ensures good health for you and your family members.

But for this you will not need any training of food department or any of them will raid your house. You can ensure this food hygiene at your home by ensuring some very simple things. Our today's article will give you some tips to ensure this food hygiene. Let's find out.

Learn how to maintain food hygiene at home

1) Keeping the kitchen clean:

Your kitchen is the main food preparation factory in your home. A clean kitchen ensures food hygiene for your family.

  • Clean and sanitize countertops, cutting boards, utensils and kitchen appliances regularly.
  • Do not store dishes in the sink.
  • Use separate cutting boards for raw meat, vegetables and fruits.
  • Always keep the kitchen floor clean. If necessary, lay down paper or something while cutting.
  • Thoroughly clean the kitchen every day or 2/3 of the week. Clean the back of the cabinet, the bottom of the refrigerator, especially those hard-to-reach areas that harbor a lot of dirt and insects.
  • Regularly clean the broth, curry, oil etc. that falls while cooking on the stove.

2) Washing hands properly

The easiest way to get germs or something harmful into food is your hands. Proper hand washing is very important for food hygiene. Wash your hands with hot water and soap for at least 20 seconds before cooking food.

Always wash your hands after using the bathroom, after handling raw meat, poultry, pets, and after changing babies' diapers. Because they spread germs.

3) Proper food selection and proper food storage

Always buy fresh vegetables, meat and dairy products. Make sure that fish, meat etc. are fresh while shopping. Because there are many types of bacteria in rotten meat and fish and if it is given formalin then it lives for a long time.

Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent food spoilage from bacteria. Cooking food to the right temperature kills bacteria and other pathogens, so cook it thoroughly. Set your refrigerator and freezer to the correct temperature (below 40°F or 4°C for the fridge). Read the catalog that comes with the fridge for proper information on this.

It states how much cooling is required for any type of food. Also, store raw meat or fish on the lowest shelf to avoid contamination of other foods.

Another important thing is that many of us keep a lot of packets and food in the deep freezer or normal fridge, which is harmful to the fridge. This causes obstruction of air flow inside the fridge. Without proper airflow, food will not cool properly and perishable foods will spoil too quickly.

4) Food preparation in a healthy way

  • Many of us do not pay attention to a very simple but important thing in our kitchen. Cutting board - very useful thing for cutting. Many of us cut all kinds of things on the same board, but we shouldn't. Use separate cutting boards and utensils when preparing raw meat, poultry, or seafood, and wash cutting boards and utensils thoroughly after use.
  • Not all foods are cooked to the same temperature. One type of food is best boiled and cooked at different temperatures. For example: fish at 145°F; Turkey, chicken, duck 165 °F; Ground beef, lamb cooks best at 160°F. A food thermometer can be used if needed to ensure proper cooking temperature.
  • Avoid eating raw or undercooked eggs, as raw eggs contain many bacteria.
  • Do not refrigerate liquid milk for more than 2/3 days.
  • Leave cooked food uncovered until it stops smoking.
  • Use less water in cooking.

5) Store extra cooked food properly

If excess food is not stored properly, it goes to waste, so it is very important to be careful about it. Because if not stored properly, this cooked food will rot and contaminate other food and family members can also get sick if they eat this food.

So store them at proper temperature. Do not keep cooked food in the refrigerator for more than 3-4 days. Reheat food to ensure it is thoroughly reheated.

6) Proper food waste management

Throw away expired or spoiled food quickly to prevent bacterial growth. Use a lidded trash can to prevent pest infestation and odors from food waste containers.

7) Proper management of fruits and raw food

  • Wash fruits and vegetables in cold, running water. Use a scrub brush for hard stuff like potatoes and carrots.
  • Cook fish and meat as soon as possible after bringing them from the market or keep them in the deep freezer.
  • Cover or refrigerate the marinated fish meat to marinate. Do not leave it in an open cabinet or in the kitchen.
  • Keep fruits and vegetables away from raw meat and poultry in the refrigerator. Keeping food together can spread germs.
  • It is not good to cut the fruit and leave it for a long time. Because the nutrients of the fruit are lost.

8) Protect food from pests:

Protecting your kitchen from pests like insects and rodents is crucial to maintaining food hygiene. Seal any holes or openings where pests can enter. Store food items in airtight containers for safe keeping. Do not store stale food. Because bacteria spreads from rotten food.

9) Be careful about allergies or food sensitivities

If someone in your family has a food allergy or a member has a sensitivity to certain foods, take extra precautions. Use specific utensils, cutting boards for allergen-free foods.

10) Check and clean kitchen equipment regularly

Check your kitchen appliances, such as ovens, refrigerators, and microwaves, to make sure they are working properly. Because any error can cause problems in making healthy food. Also clean these items regularly so that unnecessary dirt does not accumulate and contaminate the food.

Teach your family members about the importance of food hygiene at home. Inform them about the importance of proper hand washing, eating healthy food. Also be aware of the expiry date of food items when purchasing them.

Finally, maintaining food hygiene at home is not just about cleanliness; It is very important to protect your health and the health of your loved ones. By following these simple rules, you can reduce the risk of foodborne illness for your family. Remember, the little precautions you take go a long way in ensuring the health and safety of your family.

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