How to increase your Concentrate


Top 4 Reasons You Can't Concentrate + Solutions (with Examples)

As if the mind does not want to sit in anything, the attention just goes to the other side?

How to increase your Concentrate,

Maybe you are reading, suddenly someone sent a message, or a notification came from Facebook, or you entered YouTube because you need to read, then you don't even understand how you passed a few hours?

You want to do things, to move forward with activities but they don't want to move forward. If you look at it with a little discerning and analytical eye, you can find out the root problems. Let's see if we can figure it out?

01 You are really, really tired which is killing your brain cells

Hi coming again and again? ?

Looking blurry? ?

Eyelids are getting sleepy? ?

You're probably really tired. This happens when you work in one place for a long time. Tired body work more slowly?

When the brain is tired from working, it needs rest. Rest removes toxins from the body and restarts the body.

But what will the brain do if you don't give it that chance? Then the tired cells of the brain can not bear the pressure and die. A little sunlight is also important, natural light is good for rejuvenating body cells.

Adult people need 8-10 hours of sleep , if it is more or less, the body cannot adjust to the routine properly.

I have a friend who gets a headache the rest of the day if he doesn't take a nap in the afternoon. Whether he sleeps all night or not, he must take a nap in the afternoon. Apparently, the most effective time for his rest is the afternoon nap.

Here is an interesting fact: In Japan, if someone falls asleep while working in the office, it is forbidden to wake him up. It is said that his brain has been fully utilized as a result of working well with attention, so he needs to rest now. Rather, they encourage it . The Japanese know it well. What do you say, apply for a Japanese visa or not?? ?

02 Any news can be bad news for your business

What happens when we hear bad news? Are you sad? It has a bad effect on our mind. Some even get sick from thinking too much (like my mother?) I don't remember exactly who, but the news of the death of someone in my family was not told to the little one, why? Because his public examination was going on. Fearing that hearing the news of the death of a loved one may spoil his test.

So I won't run into someone's danger, brother?

Granted, I am saying that there is no need to run immediately for small urgent needs. If there is no problem if you show up after 10 minutes, finish what you are doing and go after 10 minutes.

What I do: Put the phone in Do not disturb mode, but except for 3 numbers, these 3 are my exclusives.

If there's anyone in the world I need the most, and if there's anyone who makes the most sense for me to move on first, it's these 3 people. right?

Apart from that, going out with a friend, or replying to the sir's mail after 20 minutes won't hurt anyone, and if they have a do or die situation, they won't call me first, they will ask for help from their loved ones first, right?

Good news and bad news So what's the good news?

Brother, you think you have won the lottery of 10 lakhs, your luck has opened up, you have become a big man, you have a beautiful bride-in-law/wife now, you can finally return the 90 rupees borrowed for a long time to your friend - very good.

But if you get the news after 10 minutes, will it be too much loss? Or if you can't take the 10 lakh within 10 minutes, the money will fly away? Even if they really win the lottery, they give a few days to get the prize.

When we hear something good, the brain adrenaline level becomes high, it means that the body feels good, but soon this level cannot be stabilized, then the mind does not want to sit down at work, it just remembers that good thing.

In reality, if you win the lottery, you won't do a job of 20,000 for 20 seconds, but news like the lottery doesn't come every day. Small news is enough to lose attention.

For example it could be sports news, I have to see how Tamim just hit a six; Maybe the GF gives the message, if she doesn't reply, it's a breakup.

But there is a simple solution to both cases, you already finished the work and watched the game during the game, and what is the need to have such a gf? A good understanding between the partners is mandatory, otherwise the relationship will go as it is, reply is a tool. You will see many such relationships, there is a big difference in age but the family is living happily - just because of that understanding. If you do not understand the benefits of others, why will others understand yours?

03 Trying to do too many things at once

Your phone may be the multitasking king but not your brain. Humans are not good at multitasking – I heard this a long time ago. Try it yourself, you can't make two stories together in your head even if you want to. You can, but the story would have been better if you had focused on one.

We simply shift quickly from one task to another, not doing two tasks at the same time

Writing an email? Finish the email, don't write a poem just to write the email. Writing poetry? Do that, don't go the other way. Set lists according to priority, put important tasks first, Google , Microsoft – both have ToDo apps to do this.

If it is a long-term work, divide it into several parts and finish one by one, then the trouble will be less, it will be convenient to keep the work on track. Pomodoro technique can be very effective in this case.

04 Not enjoying what you're doing?

Whatever we do in life, we do it for a little happiness and peace, right? But what one has to do to bring peace, like going to the office, studying, sweeping the house, cooking, or anything fun, say losing a game - these are not pleasant at all.

Mark Twain said, Eat the frog. Here he is not actually asking to eat frogs? By frog he means the biggest and hardest work.

We all have some target in life, for which we need to work hard. Of course, many things are needed, hard work is something that needs to be given every day, if you don't do it a little bit, you can't progress.

You cannot give a year's worth of labor in one day. Here the idea of ​​eat the frog is to do something for that target at the beginning of the day without delay. If you start your day like this –

Take another step on the road to your future

Peace of mind too, no burden in mind that it has to be done, not done yet, will sit after evening etc

Last word

Whatever you do, do it slowly, with focus and joy. Think about what you will get as a result, how much it will make your life meaningful.

As I said in point three, break down the big tasks, make a to-do list, keep an account of how much has been done.

Then it will not be random and it will be convenient to understand how much progress has been made.

Be well, enjoy what you are doing, keep striving for your goals, all the best to you?


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