How to be an worthy leader

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Some characteristics and qualities of an ideal leader

How to be an worthy leader,Some characteristics and qualities of an ideal leader

Assalamu Alaikum, 

how are you all I hope that by the grace of God, Alhamdulillah, you are very well. This post will be different from the other posts I have done.

This is the first time I am posting on this topic. These types of posts are not normally seen on TenTrick. You can say trying to do something different. Being a commerce student I thought I would talk about some useful topics that will be useful for everyone.

I don't see many posts on TenTrick about marketing, business, management etc. So I thought to do something different than everyone else. Please let me know if you like it. So let's start our today's post. 

Think, mr. Mallik is the owner of an engineering firm in Old Dhaka. After passing Diploma Engineering, he started his career by learning to work in a lathe factory without taking any other job. After much difficulty, he installed the lane machine himself and gradually built this firm. 

Many diploma engineers and skilled craftsmen are working in his firm now. Various parts and machinery are manufactured here. Mr. Mallick actually started researching foreign machinery in the country. The purpose is to do something like that or not? 

On the one hand, the work of making machines and parts is done on the basis of orders, on the other hand, new machines and parts are made and marketed. Separate departments for manufacturing similar products. 

How Many quality A Worthy Leader 

He entrusted the responsibility of the department to those people who are efficient and sincere about the organization. He understands the needs of everyone in the organization. Mix with them. Try to solve the problems yourself. Many a times he gives the responsibility of solving the problem to the heads of departments. 

So that they are qualified to solve problems. He is very serious about creating and retaining skilled workers. As the employees are improving, the organization is also improving. 

In this case Mr. Mallick is an entrepreneur and industry leader. The discussion brought out many of the qualities that a leader should possess. 

How Many  need quality for  A Worthy Leader 

Although there is some variation in the requirements of qualities depending on the time, place and environment, in general, all the qualities that a leader must have are outlined below:

1. Education and experience: 

Acquiring knowledge or knowledge through learning, practice, etc. is called education. Learning in an educational institution is like learning, so is driving learning. What a person learns through experience also counts as education. And all education is light. 

Nowadays it is desirable for an ideal leader to have the necessary educational qualifications and experience. Such competence enhances the leader's image among subordinates. Besides, education and experience empower a leader to carry out his duties.

2. Organizational Knowledge and Skill: 

Organizational knowledge and skills are the knowledge and skills to establish and manage organizations competently. 

A successful leader must be a competent organizer, therefore, the leader must possess the necessary knowledge to properly divide work in terms of reality, select suitable personnel according to work, properly determine and distribute responsibility and authority, establish a sound communication system, make effective coordination and establish accountable administration.

3. Power and ability: 

A leader's strength and ability are considered to be the physical, mental, cognitive, technical, etc. ability to do the necessary work and thinking. 

An ideal leader is required to take the leading role in all activities. Various complications in the field of work often cause severe mental stress among the leaders. 

A leader has to think about work virtually 24 hours a day, ready to act at any time. Therefore, the leader must have sufficient physical and mental capacity.

4. Courage and strong morale: 

A leader's courage and tenacity is considered to be the quality of going forward with mental strength to aim fearlessly or fearlessly in any situation. An ideal leader must be courageous and strong-willed. If the leader breaks down a little, panics, then it is not possible for him to take new initiatives and lead the followers through various adverse conditions.

5. Mentality of undertaking responsibility and risk: 

Responsibility to perform an action or perform a duty is called responsibility. On the other hand, risk is the mentality of accepting loss with the possibility of financial loss and is considered as the leader's responsibility and risk-taking mentality. A leader not only has the authority but also has to accept all the responsibilities and risks of the work. If the leader fails to take the responsibility of the work of the subordinates on his shoulders, then the respect and loyalty of the subordinates is not possible for him.

6. Patience: 

The quality that enables a person to persevere even in times of danger is called patience. It is an essential quality of a leader. If the leader is not able to show patience in adverse environment then it is never possible for him to lead the followers in the right direction. Subordinates do not always behave as desired. In that case, the leader has to take initiative to correct it with patience.

7. Knowledge about subordinates: 

Sense, intelligence and consideration are called knowledge in one word. Such knowledge, intelligence and consideration about subordinates is called knowledge about subordinates. A leader's job is to direct all the efforts of the subordinates towards goals. 

If the leader does not have a clear idea about the thoughts and aspirations of the subordinates, it is not possible for him to gain and manage the loyalty of the people in all situations. 

8. Justice:

Justice is the quality of establishing fairness and justice especially in the management of subordinates by avoiding injustice in all situations. An ideal leader must be fair. 

If he fails to establish justice among the subordinates or cannot see everyone equally and if the subordinates do not consider the superior to be honest and equally sympathetic to all, then it is not possible for him to gain the loyalty and respect of the followers. 

9. Hard work and endurance: 

Labor is called labor. Sometimes the leader has to work harder than usual. Even in difficult environment, he has to move forward with patience. In which case he needs to be patient enough. 

So if the leader is lazy, does not work, breaks down a little then it is not possible for him to properly manage the followers. A leader should always remember that Industry is the mother of good luck.

10. Skill in communication: 

Communication skill is the ability to express thoughts, information and news to others in a beautiful way and get the desired response from him or them. Communication is a key factor in effective leadership. 

As easily and beautifully as the leader can present his thoughts, views, orders to the subordinates, it becomes easier to implement them. Similarly, the leader needs to have constant information about the thoughts, actions and reactions of subordinates. Which a leader can achieve only through communication skills.

11. Power of encouraging:

A leader's motivational ability is the ability to ensure that subordinates are motivated and motivated to perform to the best of their ability. It is the leader's job to encourage and motivate the subordinates. 

Follower targeting is not possible to manage properly, gain loyalty and reach goal. A leader must know how to motivate an employee in any situation and how to maintain motivation and enthusiasm.

12. Foresight

Can think in advance about something with intuition. Ability is called wisdom. A leader must be wise or visionary. 

If he fails to make a proper assessment of the future by considering the past and the present, then it is not possible for him to make a sound decision. 

When a leader is able to make accurate predictions and make the right decisions to achieve success in the workplace, the respect for the leader increases among subordinates.

Same Hidden Trick 

It is hoped that those who provide leadership in various activities will adhere to these issues. 

For those who have not yet led or will lead in the future, knowing these things will be useful. 

I am leaving here today.

Stay with TenTrick

thank you


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