Benefits Eating Rules Of Black Cumin - tentrick

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Know the benefits and eating rules of black cumin

Benefits Eating Rules Of Black Cumin - tentrick,Black cumin benefits and eating rules

Black cumin benefits and eating rules

Assalamualaikum. If you know about the properties of black cumin then surely you can eat it regularly! The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, himself advised the Companions about black cumin, inshallah.

In fact many people would not have believed the benefits of black cumin had it not been revealed by scientists in this age of information and communication technology. 

However, a true believer must believe in every word of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Main topics to be discussed in today's article:

  •  Benefits of Black Cumin

  •  Rules for eating black cumin to lose weight

  •  Benefits of eating Black Cumin on an empty stomach in the morning

  • Black cumin benefits and eating rules

  • Benefits and harms of black cumin

  • What happens if you eat black cumin seeds for 7 consecutive days

  • Rules for using black cumin oil on the penis

  • What is the harm of eating black cumin every day?

  • What are the harmful aspects of black cumin?

1. Disadvantages of black cumin

In the beginning, I talked a little about Muhammad's Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, yesterday. In fact, the main reason for this was that the Prophet Muhammad himself ate black cumin seeds.

Even Sahaba Ekram consumed this black cumin. So you understand, Black Cumin harmful , how much more will come from Allah, inshallah. The scientists of today's technology are,

Don't hesitate to endorse the fact that black cumin has many benefits. How long ago did the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, send this news or message, surely it is from Allah.

2. Rules for eating black cumin to lose weight

Currently you can lose weight if you are overweight by consuming black cumin seeds. But is it true? Dear friends, when you eat black cumin, you will understand how it feels to eat black cumin! But if you get into the habit of eating little by little, inshallah, it will be good.

Meanwhile, the importance of black cumin for the body is very high because by consuming this black cumin, you will get rid of various diseases in your body. But not to lose or gain weight but to stay healthy you can consume black cumin according to the rules. If you eat black cumin seeds on an empty stomach in the morning, you will get the most benefit, inshallah.

3. Benefits of eating Black Cumin on an empty stomach in the morning

When your stomach is clear you will get rid of many types of diseases unknown to your body by consuming this black cumin. Within 24 hours of the day and night when we wake up in the morning our stomach is clear or empty,

There are many benefits of eating black cumin seeds on an empty stomach at this time in the morning. If you consume honey and black cumin together in the morning on an empty stomach, it will be more beneficial for your body, inshallah.

Benefits of eating honey and black cumin on an empty stomach in the morning? Surely you understand a little bit of the idea!

5. Black cumin benefits and eating rules

Consume 1 to 2 spoons of black cumin seeds and get more benefits. Black cumin oil is again available in the market, if you want you can consume that oil i.e. black cumin oil. You will get more benefits if you eat it in the morning but do not consume black cumin irregularly.

6. Benefits and harms of black cumin

To be honest there are many benefits of black cumin but black cumin has no benefits at all. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to share the benefits of black cumin with his companions.

The benefits of black cumin usually can be harmful if you consume it regularly. Remember that if you want to eat black cumin, you must follow the rules, black cumin should not be consumed in excess, keep this in mind.

7. What happens if you eat black cumin seeds for 7 consecutive days

When you start eating black cumin benefits, suppose today you start eating after hearing about the benefits of black cumin and eat it for seven consecutive days then what will happen? Of course you can see various changes inside yourself by taking black cumin for seven days.

Even according to the rules you can survive from masturbation inshallah. It is not uncommon to get rid of various diseases in your body and change different aspects of your body by eating black cumin for seven days.

8. Rules for using black cumin oil on the penis

Since black cumin contains oil, you can use this black cumin oil on your penis. But if you are  married, you will face a little problem, you may be happy to know that the use of black cumin oil on the penis will eliminate masturbation, Insha'Allah.

You can consume or use 1-2 teaspoons of black cumin oil daily. However, according to nutritionist , 1/2 teaspoon should be consumed in the beginning. And yes it is clear that if you are married you should avoid using black cumin oil unless it is necessary.

9. What is the harm of eating black cumin seeds daily?

If you regularly consume black cumin every day, you can definitely expect to get many benefits from the properties of black cumin. But if you start eating black cumin more and more thinking about the benefits then definitely eating more black cumin every day will harm you.

10. What are the harmful aspects of black cumin?

To be honest black cumin has no harmful side but consuming too much black cumin can harm your body. Because it has bile problem which is harmful for your body. Pregnant women also need to be careful in consuming Black Cumin. Because, Black Cumin overheats the body.

Black cumin benefits and eating rules || What does black cumin contain?

Black cumin contains protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, 5.26 mg phosphorus, 18 micrograms, iron, carbohydrates, vitamin B3, calcium, digestive enzymes, antiseptic and antacid.

Black cumin benefits and eating rules || Benefits of black cumin? 

1. breast milk

There are many mothers and sisters whose breasts do not produce milk after giving birth. Milk comes but may come too little to satisfy the child. For that, the benefits of black cumin in increasing breast milk are usually very high. You can say black cumin is a great medicine to increase breast milk.

2. Physical and mental

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to consume black cumin from his childhood. But I am not insisting that Allah knows best. Black cumin helps in increasing physical and mental energy in abundance.

So, black cumin should be consumed from childhood, at least children above two years of age will not have any problem if they eat black cumin. Rather, the importance and qualities of black cumin are so much that, before that little child grows up, his physical structure and body will benefit from various benefits.

3. Benefits of black cumin with honey

If you want to get more benefits from black cumin then honey is no substitute. Because on the one hand, black cumin has the benefits of getting rid of various diseases in the body. On the other hand, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam loved to eat honey.

Maybe many of you may know this matter, so if you mix black cumin with honey and consume it, your body will get more benefits, inshallah. So you will get more benefits of black cumin with honey, inshallah.

4. cold fever

For many of us, colds and fevers are very common diseases that are common in almost everyone. The properties of black cumin are immense to get rid of your cold and fever.

So if you are suffering from cold or johar, if you mix 1 tablespoon of tulsi leaf juice with one spoon of black cumin oil, you will get rid of cold, cough and fever, inshallah.

5. Blood pressure control

If you start talking about the benefits of black cumin, you can't finish talking about its benefits. Even for this black cumin you will have blood pressure control inshallah. But I said it so that no one will be confused by this.

To keep your blood pressure under control, mix one spoon of honey and one spoon of black cumin seeds and consume two to three times a day. Hopefully this will help you get your blood pressure under control easily and that is one of the great benefits of black cumin.

6. Piles problem

In many countries of the world, including Bangladesh, many people have problems with piles. I told you that the benefits of black cumin can not be finished! To get rid of this problem, you usually have one tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon of black cumin oil

Mix one tablespoon of sesame oil and eat it regularly in the morning on an empty stomach for at least 1-2 months. If you can continue it properly following the regular regimen then hopefully your piles problem will go away inshallah.

7. Shortness of breath or asthma

Black cumin is an excellent remedy for common respiratory problems and asthma. You will also get rid of this by consuming black cumin, inshallah, but if you do not use or consume black cumin according to the rules, then it is not uncommon for you to suffer.

8. sexual problems

Surely you have heard of olive, it is called Zaytun in Arabic. This olive also has many benefits, so if you mix one tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon of olive oil with honey and black cumin oil and consume it three times a day.

You will get rid of various body problems including your sexual problems Inshallah. But consuming too much can cause damage to the body. So take care of the matter and hope you will get good results inshallah.

9. Cure dysentery

There is no substitute for this black cumin to cure dysentery. You will get the solution if you consume black cumin regularly to cure this dysentery. But the rule is to mix one tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of black cumin and continue it regularly for a month 2-3 times a day.

Because you have to wait to get the result, you will get the result within a few weeks inshallah. But you start with one month continuous meal plan of course, you will get proper result within one month to cure dysentery inshallah.

The last suggestion on the relationship between the benefits of black cumin and eating habits?

Dear friends, today we have learned about the benefits of black cumin and some rules of consumption. However, the main point to note is that black cumin should not be consumed in irregular and excessive amounts.

A small amount of black cumin should be consumed occasionally, even if not daily. And using black cumin in anything other than the right place has the potential to cause harm. Thanks for reading the Black Cumin Benefits and Eating Rules article so far today.


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