Best Tips For Conversation With Unknown Person


 How to make conversation with strangers

We all want people to like us. But whenever you meet a new person. Then you get nervous. And think to myself, that maybe the person doesn't like me. Maybe I'm not good looking. I may have said something wrong while speaking. What does he think about me?

conversation, tips,top,trick

If you have such thoughts while talking to a stranger. Then today's post is for you.

Often when talking to a stranger, people start to use the inversion like a fool.

For example the person starts bragging about himself. He started talking about his politics. He starts talking big about himself. But do you know that doing so makes that person look arrogant at the time.

And remember that people don't like arrogant people. Liking and attracting people is not that difficult, it is very easy. You don't have to do the reverse to add someone.

You just follow these 6 tips today. Which I am going to tell you now.

And talk to Karo if you follow these 6 tips. Then I guarantee people will start liking you. So let's begin.

best tips for talking to unknown person 

You tell them that you like them. Suppose there is a person. The best person in the world. It has a lot of good quality and qualities.

But unfortunately she doesn't like you at all. So now you say that you like him? Of course not. We like them. who like us

If you want to become someone's favorite person. So first of all you have to learn to like them. You tell them. That you like them. Take care of them. Treat them well.

So the question is how to choose, I can't say directly. That I like you a lot, let you also start liking me now.

This will make your cheeks red. right? So there are two great techniques. With the help of which you can talk nicely with any person in front.

You like him. Smile first. Make sure to smile real.

If you talk to someone with a cheeky smile. So it will seem to the other person that you like him. Stand in front of the mirror and see how you look when you smile.

How do you look when angry? What does seriousness look like? So the next guy you like. Telling him that is the first step. Here's how you start talking with a real smile in front of her.

And the second you make his genuine reputation. No lying here. You make her genuine. How to speak to you if someone gives you a false reputation.

So you can instantly catch his false reputation. 

Because you yourself know it very well.

That's how good and how bad you are. Same when you give someone a false reputation. Then he also caught it instantly. And people will start to think you are selfish.

But if true and genuine reputation. They will start liking you. And you will be considered an honest and intelligent person.

Show them that. How important they are to you. And the most effective technique to do this is to ask them for advice on something.

Tell them about any minor problem. And get solution advice from them for that problem. That I want to do this job. Want to change external subject to chemistry field. I want to do business. Do you think it will be ok?

You can take any kind of advice from him. The one you feel comfortable with. When someone takes advice from us.

Then we feel that it may matter to him that we open our hearts. I am probably not important to that person.

Why advance to me? So don't shy away from advancement from the person in front.

And yes, you must say thank you after taking the advance. This small thank you word will endear you to her.

Repeat their names. The sweetest sound in the world to man is his own name. If you repeat the person's name at least three times in the first 10 minutes of the meeting.

So the chance percentage of him liking us increases. That doesn't mean you go to him and keep saying that. That Tumpa Tumpa Tumpa Sona is not like that. Don't mind I just said that to illustrate.

You have to repeat his name like this. That they don't know you are repeating his name over and over again.

It means you say Hi Tumpa instead of Hi. Instead of saying thank you, say thank you tumpa. Whenever you talk to someone for 10 minutes. Then you will get many chances to mention his name.

You show interest in their interest as well. I mean, think about the person you are going to meet. He likes music.

But you like cricket. So here you don't talk to him about cricket being yours. You talk to him about it. If you talk about your interest rather than their interest.

You will get bored at the wedding. And he will try to ignore you. In this he will not be able to connect with you.

As a result, you are far from being liked. Next time he will ignore you himself.

So always put your own interest in people's interest. People start thinking about it. That he is important to you.

You ask them to do a little work for you, it's called the Benjamin Franklin effect.This is called the Benjamin Franklin effect.

It is a psychological phenomenon. That is, when a person does something for us. Then he started liking us. For example, you are sitting at the dinner table.

So here you can ask that person to pass salt. You can get your small work done by him.

Who wrote his biography of Benjamin Franklin? That is when a person shows kindness to you.

May that person become more kind to you in the future. Watering these are small tasks. right? You tell them your weaknesses.

Sometimes the same person

Our last words

Hope these tips follow today. You can easily endear yourself to a person or a group. And can become attractive to people. Share with your friends if you like it. thank you


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